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A simple "HELLO" could lead to a Million things


Grüäzi, I am Jennifer Ruzicska, 33 Jahre old and since 2017 a full time photographer. I made my passion to my profession and I love every second about it. It was the best decision I´ve ever made. (beside to marry the love of my life of course, sorry Hafidh) I love to travel, do a lot of sport (Crossift, Hiking & Kiting) and try to spend as much time as possible at the water or in the mountains.

You can follow my adventure on instagram (@jeniskaphotography & @jeniska.plain). There you can always find the newest pictures and I will also bring you some impressions of the beautiful places I visit. Maybe I can even motivate you to be more active!

You plan a destination wedding, no problem. You are a travelling couple and want to have pictures together at beautiful locations around the world? Check my travel dates!

Why grüäzi? I am swiss, but I live already 11 years in Luxembourg now. However since 1 year Zanzibar is my second home base where I spend as much time as possible.

I speak your language! Well not all of them, but some!  German, Swiss german, Englisch, Luxemburgisch, French and I understand quite good dutch and Kiswahili is of course my next big goal!

My equipment:

Nikon D4 + D5, Z6ii
Sigma Art 35mm 1.4 (my favourite)
Sigma Art 24mm 1.4 (the best for travelling)
Nikkor 12-24 2.8
Nikkor 24-70mm 2.8
Nikkor 70-200 2.8
My Bags: Backpack Deuter 36L (for hiking)

My traveldates:

01.11.2022 – 28.01.2023 ZANZIBAR, Paje Beach

ask me for more dates, we will travel around Europe from 02.23-09.23 before we head back to Zanzibar

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